beli2 komikk !!
73 m de l'hôtel
Matahari Duta Plaza
Un guide des lieux d'exception à proximité de Hotel Puri Ayu
makan siang bareng @ichaamekeng @akunandaa @angelinaelin :D
165 m de l'hôtel
Jalan Serma Kawi No. 9
234 m de l'hôtel
Jl. Serma Kawi
Kualitas jam ok.model byk bgt.. Tinggal pilih sesuai dgn kantong anda ^.^
268 m de l'hôtel
Jalan Diponogoro 154
Another spot, another Sbux. This particular one is super crowded, got lotsa outdoor seating on the sidewalk, and so plenty of outlets. The only downsides are no newspaper stand and slo-mo Wi-Fi.
272 m de l'hôtel
Level 21 Mall
try "green tea yakult" while you are here... highly recommended
338 m de l'hôtel
Jalan Diponogoro No. 122
This is the real traditional Balinese massage. The situation, fragrance, music make relax. The original had to be in Bali
425 m de l'hôtel
Ramayana Bali Mall
Koleksi asesoris handphone nya lengkap dan harganya murah2. Bisa beberapa kali lipat lebih murah dibandingkan kompetitornya seperti We***om. Ga tau juga apa barang KW atau tidak tapi bagus2 aja tuh :)
1.0 km de l'hôtel
Jl. Teuku Umar No. 63
If you are a tourist, don't come. No English menu, and it's all too spicy. For some reason they can't make it less spicy, so most probably they don't cook it for you, it's already done.
1.3 km de l'hôtel
JL Tukad Gangga 8